{ // Whether a player's equipped shape is revoked on death. "revoke2ndShapeOnDeath": false, // Whether shapes equip the items (swords, items, tools) held by the underlying player. "shapesEquipItems": true, // Whether shapes equip the armor (chestplate, leggings, elytra) worn by the underlying player. "shapesEquipArmor": true, // If true, the player can cause hostiles to attack via right-clicking. "playerCanTriggerHostiles": true, // Whether hostile mobs ignore players with hostile mob shapes. "hostilesIgnoreHostileShapedPlayer": true, // Whether a hostile mob will stop targeting you after switching to a hostile mob shape. "hostilesForgetNewHostileShapedPlayer": false, // hunterAttackAsPreyMorphedPlayer "hunterAttackAsPreyMorphedPlayer": true, // If false, the PreyTrait doesn't cause owned hunter (e.g. tamed wolves) to hunt the player. "ownedHunterAttackAsPreyMorphedPlayer": false, // Whether Villagers will run from Players morphed as shapes villagers normally run from (Zombies). "villagersRunFrom2ndShapes": true, // Whether shape sounds take priority over Player Sounds (e.g. Blaze hurt sound when hit). "useShapeSounds": true, // Whether disguised players should randomly emit the ambient sound of their shape. "playAmbientSounds": true, // Whether disguised players should hear their own ambient sounds (only if playAmbientSounds is true). "hearSelfAmbient": false, // Whether mobs in the flying entity tag can fly. "enableFlight": true, // How long hostility lasts for players morphed as hostile mobs (think: Pigman aggression) "hostilityTime": 300, // A list of Advancements required before the player can fly using a shape. "advancementsRequiredForFlight": [], // Whether Shapes modify your max health value based on their max health value. "scalingHealth": true, // This gets the percentage of your current health and implements it into your new health. Only works with scalingHealth! "percentScalingHealth": true, // The maximum value of scaling health. Useful for not giving players 300 HP when they turn into a wither. "maxHealth": 40, // Whether the player should have the same default amor values as the mob. "scalingAmor": true, // The maximum value of default amor. Useful for not having players who can't take damage. "maxAmor": 30, // The maximum value of default amor toughness. Useful for not having players who can't take damage. "maxAmorToughness": 20, // In blocks, how far can the Enderman ability teleport? "endermanAbilityTeleportDistance": 32, // Should player nametags render above players disguised with a shape? Note that the server is the authority for this config option. "showPlayerNametag": false, // The default fly speed for transformed players. "flySpeed": 0.05, // If true, players with the Warden shape will have a shorter view range with the darkness effect. "wardenIsBlinded": true, // If true, players with the Warden shape will blind other nearby players. "wardenBlindsNearby": true, // If true, unlocking a shape will ignore current second shapes. "unlockOverridesCurrentShape": false, // If true, unlocking a shape will ignore current second shapes. "unlockTimer": 60.0, // This allows players to unlock every possible variant per entity type. This must be set to true for the variant menu to be available. "unlockEveryVariant": true, // Configure the Cooldown for the abilities of specified mobs. Take a look at Abilities "abilityCooldownMap": { "minecraft:blaze": 20, "minecraft:pillager": 2400, "minecraft:ravager": 2400, "minecraft:ghast": 60, "minecraft:mule": 40, "minecraft:skeleton_horse": 40, "minecraft:sniffer": 9600, "minecraft:trader_llama": 20, "minecraft:cow": 20, "minecraft:vindicator": 2400, "minecraft:zombie_horse": 40, "minecraft:camel": 40, "minecraft:creeper": 100, "minecraft:warden": 200, "minecraft:wither": 200, "minecraft:horse": 40, "minecraft:bee": 20, "minecraft:evoker": 10, "minecraft:polar_bear": 20, "minecraft:pufferfish": 20, "minecraft:illusioner": 2400, "minecraft:zombified_piglin": 20, "minecraft:witch": 200, "minecraft:llama": 20, "minecraft:iron_golem": 20, "minecraft:turtle": 6000, "minecraft:sheep": 20, "minecraft:ender_dragon": 20, "minecraft:snow_golem": 10, "minecraft:shulker": 80, "minecraft:mooshroom": 300, "minecraft:enderman": 100, "minecraft:goat": 20, "minecraft:endermite": 20, "minecraft:chicken": 1200, "minecraft:wolf": 20, "minecraft:rabbit": 40 }, // 0 - none, 1 - completely random, 2 - biome based "multiVectorVariants": 2, // Blacklist entity types (e.g. minecraft:blaze) to disable abilities for the specified mob. "abilityBlacklist": [], // Blacklist entity types (e.g. minecraft:blaze) to disable morphing into those. "entityBlacklist": [], // True - the entity blacklist will be treated as a whitelist. This can be modified via commands. "entityBlacklistIsWhitelist": false, // Blacklist Players with their UUIDs, so they can't unlock shapes. This can be modified via commands. "playerUUIDBlacklist": [], // True - the player blacklist will be treated as a whitelist. This can be modified via commands. "playerBlacklistIsWhitelist": false, // Whether the player blacklist should prevent unlocking. "blacklistPreventsUnlocking": true, // Whether the player blacklist should prevent morphing. "blacklistPreventsMorphing": true }