# Turtle Charging Station Configuration [Settings] # The maximum amount of energy the charging station can hold # Range: min=0, max=2147483647 # Default = 64000 chargingStationMaxCapacity=64000 # The amount of energy required to increase the turtle fuel level by 1 # Range: min=0, max=2147483647 # Default = 256 chargingStationConversionRate=256 # The amount of time (in ticks) that is added to the thundercharge dynamo charge. # 1 minute = 1200 in-game ticks # Range: min=0, max=2147483647 # Default = 1200 dynamoRechargeAmount=1200 # The amount of energy per tick generated by the thundercharge dynamo # Range: min=0, max=2147483647 # Default = 1024 dynamoTransferRate=1024