#Everything to do with gameplay [gameplay] #If true, anvils will show all metal variants. If false, shows only a variant with the default texture showAllAnvilVariants = true #If true, tables such as the part builder and tinker station will show all variants. If false shows only a variant with a default texture. showAllTableVariants = true #Set this to false to disable new players spawning with the Tinkers' Book. shouldSpawnWithTinkersBook = true #If non-empty, only this material will be shown on tools in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the tool). #If empty, all materials will show showOnlyToolMaterial = "" #If non-empty, only material will be shown on parts in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the part). #If empty, all materials will show showOnlyPartMaterial = "" #If true, smeltery and foundry controllers, drains, ducts, and chutes will show all variants showAllSmelteryVariants = true #Tweaks to vanilla damage sources to better work with armor [gameplay.damageTweaks] #Amount of durability restored by a repair kit in terms of ingots. Does not affect the cost to create the kit, that is controlled by JSON. #Range: 0.0 ~ 32767.0 repairKitAmount = 2.0 #Options related to recipes, limited options as a datapack allows most recipes to be modified [recipes] #Makes wither skeletons drop necrotic bones witherBoneDrop = true #Makes the recipe to alloy netherite in the smeltery only cost 2 gold per netherite ingot. If false uses the vanilla rate of 4 gold per ingot. Disable if there are crafting duplications. cheaperNetheriteAlloy = true #Add a recipe that allows you to craft a piece of flint using 3 gravel addGravelToFlintRecipe = true #Fixes clear glass not being usable in vanilla recipes that require glass. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod glassRecipeFix = true #Allows converting wither bones to regular bones witherBoneConversion = true #Slimeballs not being usable in vanilla recipes that require slimeballs. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod slimeRecipeFix = true #Entity head drops when killed by a charged creeper [recipes.heads] stray = true husk = true zombified_piglin = true blaze = true cave_spider = true piglin_brute = true drowned = true spider = true enderman = true [recipes.ore_rates] #Ore rates when melting in the foundry [recipes.ore_rates.foundry] #Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot #Range: 1 ~ 45 nuggetsPerMetal = 9 #Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem #Range: 1 ~ 20 shardsPerGem = 4 #Byprouct rates when melting in the foundry [recipes.ore_rates.foundry_byproduct] #Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot #Range: 1 ~ 45 nuggetsPerMetal = 3 #Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem #Range: 1 ~ 20 shardsPerGem = 4 #Ore rates when melting in the smeltery [recipes.ore_rates.smeltery] #Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot #Range: 1 ~ 45 nuggetsPerMetal = 12 #Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem #Range: 1 ~ 20 shardsPerGem = 8 #Ore rates when melting in the melter [recipes.ore_rates.melter] #Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot #Range: 1 ~ 45 nuggetsPerMetal = 12 #Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem #Range: 1 ~ 20 shardsPerGem = 8 #Options related to loot table injections. Note some of the changes are done via global loot managers, these only control injecting loot into loot pools #If your modpack makes extensive loot table changes, many of these may be automatically disabled. You can also manually set up tables for more control. [loot] #Weight of blazing blood in the piglin bartering tables. Set to 0 to disable #Range: 0 ~ 100 barter_blazing_blood = 20 #Adds slimy saplings and seeds into various loot chests. Helps for worlds without slime islands slimy_loot = true #If true, ender dragons will drop scales when damaged by explosions drop_dragon_Scales = true #Weight of tinker tools in the vanilla spawn bonus chest, randomly replacing the vanilla axe or shovel. Tool will have a random tier 1 head and binding, plus a wooden handle. Set to 0 to disable. #For comparison, vanilla wooden axes and pickaxes have a weight of 3, and stone axes/pickaxes have a weight of 1 #Range: 0 ~ 25 tinker_tool_bonus_chest = 2 #Everything to do with world generation [worldgen] #Generate Cobalt generateCobalt = true #Approx Ores per Chunk veinCountCobalt = 8 #Options related to slime geodes [worldgen.geodes] #If true, skyslime geodes generate above amethyst as another way to get skyslime sky = true #If true, earthslime geodes generate deep in the world as another way to get slime earth = true #If true, ichor geodes generate high in the nether. Strongly encouraged to keep enabled even if you disable the other geodes, as ichor crystals have some unique recipes and the fallbacks kinda suck for gameplay. ichor = true #If true, recipes using slime crystals will ignore the other geode configs, useful if you add other ways to get the slime crystals. When false (default), recipes using slime crystals will be substituted for an alternative if the geode is disabled. forceRecipes = false #If true, enderslime geodes generate as additional islands in the end ender = true #Features to use in debugging gameplay and mechanics, generally should not be enabled in packs [debug] #If true, forces integration materials to be enabled, even if the relevant metal is missing. Useful for testing material balance. #Does not provide recipes for any of them, they will only be available to cheat in creative. forceIntegrationMaterials = false #If STACKTRACE, logs the stacktrace whenever a tool stack is created from a non-modifiable item. If WARNING (default), logs a shorter but more efficient error. If IGNORE, disables logging (useful for modpacks/players *after* they reported the issue). The stacktrace helps debug which mod is causing it, but is rather expensive on the chance they are doing it a lot. #Allowed Values: STACKTRACE, WARNING, IGNORED logInvalidToolStack = "WARNING"