#Print menu type to game chat whenever a new menu screen is opened. Intended for finding menu types to be added to "menu_blacklist". debug_container_types = false #Print screen identifier to game chat or log file whenever a new screen is opened. Intended for finding screens to be added to "font_color_blacklist". debug_all_screens = false #Exclude certain menus from showing the dark mode switcher. Useful when the box intersects other screen elements. menu_blacklist = [] texture_darkness = 0.42992424242424243 #Specifies gui paths and resources to darken. #End a path using '*' as a wildcard char to include every file (no nested directories) from that directory. #Begin with a namespace or skip namespace to apply to all namespaces. #Begin with '!' to exclude matches, list those exclusions after entries that would otherwise include them. paths = ["textures/gui/*", "!minecraft:textures/gui/icons.png", "!minecraft:textures/gui/options_background.png", "!minecraft:textures/gui/book.png", "textures/gui/container/*", "minecraft:textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/*", "trinkets:textures/gui/slots/*", "craftingtweaks:gui.png", "dankstorage:textures/container/gui/*", "ae2:textures/guis/*", "!modmenu:textures/gui/mod_configuration.png", "!dynamiccrosshair:textures/gui/crosshairs.png", "quark:textures/misc/backpack_gui.png", "quark:textures/misc/matrix_enchanting.png", "quark:textures/misc/shulker_widget.png"] #Do not add the dark mode toggle buttons to the top of every menu. hide_in_game_switcher = false #Screens to add a dark mode toggle button to, so that toggling is possible outside of inventory menus. #Allowed Values: NONE, TITLE_SCREEN, PAUSE_SCREEN, BOTH dark_mode_toggle_screens = "BOTH" #Exclude certain screens from being affected by any text color alterations. font_color_blacklist = ["chat_screen.title", "sign.edit", "hanging_sign.edit", "book.edit", "book.view"] #Use a dark theme for the configuration screens. dark_theme = true