[spirit] #If set to true, any spirits dropped will simply take the form of an item. noFancySpirits = false [spirit.spawner] #If set to true, mob spawners will create soulless mobs instead. lameSpawners = false [spirit.defaults] #Whether entities without spirit jsons will use the default spirit data for their category. defaultSpiritValues = true [spirit.affinity] [spirit.affinity.soul_ward] #Multiplier for magic damage taken while soul ward is active. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 soulWardMagic = 0.10000000149011612 #Base time in ticks it takes for one point of soul ward to recover. soulWardRate = 100 #Multiplier for physical damage taken while soul ward is active. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 soulWardPhysical = 0.699999988079071 [codex] #If set to true, the first undead enemy a player slays will drop the encyclopedia arcana. enableCodexDrop = true [item] [item.rebound] #If set to true, you may put rebound on any weapon in the game. enableUltimateRebound = false