[Camera] #Right-clicking Camera in GUI will open Camera attachments screen. Only in player inventory. #Default: true RightClickAttachmentsScreen = true #Right-clicking Camera in GUI with attachment item will insert/swap it. #Default: true RightClickHotswap = true #Default focal range of the camera (without a lens attached). #Allowed range: 10-300 #Default: 18-55 DefaultFocalRange = "18-55" #Can attack while looking through Viewfinder. #Default: true ViewfinderAttacking = true [Lightroom] #Time in ticks to print black and white photograph. Default: 80 #Range: > 1 BlackAndWhitePrintTime = 80 #Time in ticks to print one channel of a chromatic photograph. Default: 120 #Range: > 1 ChromaticPrintTime = 120 #Time in ticks to print color photograph. Default: 200 #Range: > 1 ColorPrintTime = 200 #Amount of experience awarded per printed color Photograph. Set to 0 to disable. Default: 4 #Range: 0 ~ 99 ExperiencePerPrintColor = 4 #Amount of experience awarded per printed chromatic Photograph (when all three channels have been printed). Set to 0 to disable. Default: 5 #Range: 0 ~ 99 ExperiencePerPrintChromatic = 5 #Amount of experience awarded per printed black and white Photograph. Set to 0 to disable. Default: 2 #Range: 0 ~ 99 ExperiencePerPrintBW = 2 [Photographs] #How many photographs can be stacked in Stacked Photographs item. Default: 16. #Larger numbers may cause errors. Use at your own risk. #Range: 2 ~ 64 StackedPhotographsMaxSize = 16 [Misc] #Generate items in loot chests. Default: true AddItemsToLootChests = true #Film rolls can be renamed by using the item. Default: true FilmRollRenaming = true [Integration] [Integration.Create] [Integration.Create.SequencedSpoutFilmDeveloping] #Film can be developed with create Spout Filling. Default: true Enabled = true #Fluid spouting sequence required to develop color film. ColorFilmSequence = ["{FluidName:\"create:potion\",Amount:27000,Tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:awkward\"}}", "{FluidName:\"create:potion\",Amount:27000,Tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:thick\"}}", "{FluidName:\"create:potion\",Amount:27000,Tag:{Potion:\"minecraft:mundane\"}}"] #Fluid spouting sequence required to develop black and white film. BlackAndWhiteFilmSequence = ["{FluidName:\"minecraft:water\",Amount:27000}"]