#If enabled, players automatically attempt to use sleeping bags when placed. autoUse = true #If enabled, players cannot sleep again for a period of time after sleeping. restrictSleeping = false #If restrictSleeping is true, this value will determine the length of wait time (larger numbers sleep sooner). #Range: 1.0 ~ 20.0 restMultiplier = 2.0 #The time of day that hammocks can be used. #Allowed Values: NONE, DAY, NIGHT, DAY_OR_NIGHT hammockUse = "DAY" #The time of day that sleeping bags can be used. #Allowed Values: NONE, DAY, NIGHT, DAY_OR_NIGHT sleepingBagUse = "NIGHT" #What percentage of players must sleep to skip the day. #A percentage value of 0 will allow the day to be skipped by just 1 player, and a percentage value of 100 will require all players to sleep before skipping the day. #A value of less than 0 will default to the playerSleepingPercentage game rule. # #Range: -1 ~ 100 daySleepingPercentage = -1 #The amount of time, in ticks, to add or remove from the new time after sleeping through a night. #Range: -2000 ~ 2000 dayWakeTimeOffset = 0 #The amount of time, in ticks, to add or remove from the new time after sleeping through a day. #Range: -2000 ~ 2000 nightWakeTimeOffset = 0 #If enabled, attempting to sleep in hammocks stops phantoms from spawning. hammocksStopPhantoms = true #If enabled, attempting to sleep in sleeping bags stops phantoms from spawning. sleepingBagsStopPhantoms = true #The percentage chance that a sleeping bag will break upon use. #Range: 0 ~ 100 sleepingBagBreakChance = 0 #The value that will be multiplied by a player's luck then added to sleepingBagBreakChance. #Range: -1.0 ~ 1.0 sleepingBagBreakChanceLuckMultiplier = 0.0 #The status effects to apply to players after using the sleeping bag. #Format: effect;duration(secs);power sleepingBagEffects = []